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Make An Impact

The Center for Environmental Studies (CES) has a rich diversity of environmental research, education and outreach programs that are making a difference in South Florida. Whenever possible, we support FAU undergraduate and graduate students to enrich their learning experience and contribute to CES’ mission. We have many programs that need support and might meet your environmental interests and ethics, including:

Support for Coastal Resilience Research Lab, The Invading Sea, and Riverwoods Field Lab

All gifts are deposited in our FAU Foundation Fund via the link below. Your tax deductible donation can be made via credit card. You can specify the CES project that you would like to support on the linked FAU Foundation page. We are very grateful for your support!

Thank You!

Make An Environmental Impact

Coastal Resilience Research Lab

CES past research assistants Jessica Dell, Jon Stonger, Bridget Huston, and Hallee MeltzerThe CES Coastal Resilience Research Lab (CRRL) examines human-environment interactions in the context of changing climates.  Your donation will help fund:

The Invading Sea

The Invading Sea square logo

CES acquired The Invading Sea in early 2023 to continue its mission of informing Floridians about the climate challenges facing our state and generating discussion on potential solutions. We are seeking continuing support for the website and staff working on efforts including: 

  • Student reporters highlighting the work of Floridians who are on the front lines of addressing climate change in such areas as coastal resilience and clean-energy technology
  • Webinars and other events aimed at encouraging bipartisan dialogue and reaching consensus on climate and energy policy
  • Videos explaining climate-related concepts in a clear and concise way to reach young people and others unfamiliar with these issues

Riverwoods Field Lab

High school students in front of the  Kissimmee Explorer II pontoon boatBecome a friend of Riverwoods to support our education and research programs that teach Florida’s students the importance of environmental stewardship and conservation.  We offer field-based programs for elementary, secondary and university students from all over. Our Student Field Studies Program allows students to explore the river onboard our Kissimmee Explorer II pontoon boat.  Students learn about the river restoration and conduct hands-on data collection on water quality, and identification of wetland birds, plants and aquatic invertebrates. Support for the Student Field Studies Program is always needed to cover travel costs for classes to come to Riverwoods and other support including:

  • Printing of educational resources
  • Okeechobee student bussing to Riverwoods
  • Student research expenses – travel, books, equipment
  • Day trip Student Field Studies Program workshops for underserved students from Okeechobee, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward or Dade Counties
  • Overnight Student Field Studies Programs for underserved students from Okeechobee, Martin, Palm Beach, Broward or Dade Counties
  • Scholarship for graduate student classes

 Last Modified 11/19/23