
CES Home / The Invading Sea Florida Climate Survey  / Florida Climate Survey

Hurricane Dorian and storm surgeFlorida’s climate strongly affects our prosperity.
Our warm temperatures and abundant rainfall strengthen
our tourism, agriculture, and other industries.
But our weather patterns also present Floridians with risks,
such as flooding and high winds.

CES partnered with the Business and Economics Polling Initiative (BEPI) at FAU’s College of Business to conduct a quarterly Florida Climate Resilience Survey in October 2019, January 2020, April 2020 and August 2020.  The main purpose of the survey is to gauge Floridians’ views on their preparedness and resilience to climate hazards. CES has since conducted biannual waves of surveying, which started September 2021, to continue the effort to gauge changes in participants’ attitudes and opinions over time. In March 2023, the survey began being featured on The Invading Sea news website in the Public Opinion section.

View the results of the latest survey,  now called The Invading Sea Florida Climate Survey. Check out the latest FCRS research poster presented at the 2023 Annual Southeast Florida Regional Climate Leadership Summit.

Read the news articles related to these results in CES In the News.

 Last Modified 9/13/24