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Florida Department of Environmental Protection

PLAM 2019: Our Lands. Our Legacy.


The  Florida Department of Environmental Protection  hosted the 2019 PLAM – Public Land Acquisition and Management Partnership Conference in St. Augustine. This statewide conference took place Monday, September 30 - Wednesday, October 2, 2019 and focused on public land acquisition and management issues in Florida. PLAM has typically been hosted on a rotating basis by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the five water management districts.

Who Attended:

  • Local, regional, state, federal, non-profit, and private land managers
  • Land acquisition specialists and agents Water managers
  • Engineers, planners, attorneys, surveyors, appraisers, and architects
  • Public officials
  • Non-profit groups
  • Consultants
  • Others interested in conservation land planning
Download the Attendees List for PLAM 2019.

 Last Modified 4/3/23