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05/17/2024Florida Gov. DeSantis signs bill that deletes climate change from state law
Amy Green, the Florida correspondent for Inside Climate News mentioned FAU's new survey results in an interview with NPR Host, Steve Inskeep, "A new survey out this week from Florida Atlantic University shows that 90% of Floridians think that climate change is happening, and that's compared with 72% of all Americans who believe the same."
05/14/2024New survey shows 68% of Floridians want state to do more on climate change
FAU poll reveals that the percent of GOP voters who believe climate change is caused by human activity has dropped to 40%
05/15/2024DeSantis signs bill scrubbing 'climate change' from Florida law
The latest survey by Florida Atlantic University found that 90 percent of Floridians accept that climate change is happening and 69 percent support state action to address it.
05/16/2024FAU survey finds political, generational differences on human impact of climate change
Colin Polsky, founding director of FAU's School of Environmental, Coastal, and Ocean Sustainability (ECOS), said in a prepared statement after the survey's release on Tuesday, May 14, "The urgency to act means debate over causes is largely irrelevant."
05/14/202490% of Floridians think climate change is real, much higher than across the U.S.
"Floridians support strengthening our resilience to the effects of climate change because they are experiencing it. The urgency to act means debate over causes is largely irrelevant," said Colin Polsky, director of the FAU Center for Environmental Studies.
05/01/2024Wildlife corridor protects more than just animals; it protects people from climate change
The new report, "The Florida Wildlife Corridor and Climate Change: Managing Florida's Natural and Human Landscapes for Prosperity and Resilience," is a joint project by Florida Atlantic University, Archbold Biological Station, Live Wildly Foundation and brings together scientists, researchers, biologists, and climate experts from across the state.
04/30/2024Florida in 50 years: Study says land conservation can buffer destructive force of climate change
The population has increased 26% in just 25 years. "That is not a small rate," Polsky said. "It's exponential. The effects of this set of changes is going to be present probably before we're ready for it. The effort here is to try to get ready for it," Polsky said. In other words, how does Florida absorb all these people and remain climate resilient?
11/13/2023'Identify, understand and rectify our environmental challenges': New FAU school focusing on environmental sustainability
Dr. Polsky, the school's founding director, says the early momentum comes from the widespread desire to preserve the marine ecosystems throughout the state.
10/28/2023FAU Survey Finds More Floridians Believe Climate Change is Real than Americans on the Whole and Want Government Action
KCBS's Liz Saint John interviews Colin Polsky about the results from FAU's most recent Florida Climate Resilience Survey
10/25/2023Floridians know climate change is happening despite politics
A study by Florida Atlantic University's Center for Environmental Studies in September found that 90% of Floridians say climate change is actually happening right now. And, as the Sun Sentinel wrote in a recent story, that's a greater percentage than Americans overall, if recent studies are a guide. View PDF.
10/25/2023New poll shows Floridians, unlike DeSantis, aren't ducking climate change reality | Opinion
A study by Florida Atlantic University's Center for Environmental Studies in September found that 90% of Floridians say climate change is actually happening right now. And, as the Sun Sentinel wrote in a recent story, that's a greater percentage than Americans overall, if recent studies are a guide.
10/19/2023Floridians' recognition of climate change is higher than U.S. as a whole, study says
In this installment of Jeff Berardelli's Climate Classroom, he interviews Dr. Colin Polsky, the researcher behind the Florida Climate Resilience Survey. The survey is conducted twice per year and is designed to gauge Floridians' views on climate change.
10/25/2023Here's why Floridians, more than other Americans, believe climate change is real
"Floridians might be more likely to believe climate change is happening due to their experiences with hurricanes and other extreme weather," said Colin Polsky, Ph.D., the founding director of FAU's School of Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sustainability.
07/12/23NTWC Live - Colin Polsky, Kate Stein and Michael Lowry
Dr. Colin Polsky joins several others on NTWC Live, the Storm Science Network, to discuss climate change and the cost of insuring our homes.
06/07/2023Outstanding Researcher: Colin Polsky, Ph.D.
"Early on, I realized the critical need for society to learn more about how climate change was already affecting our communities so we could learn from it and take appropriate actions," explained Polsky. "But I didn't have in mind specific actions because there was so much to learn first. I became a researcher to contribute to the knowledge needed to inform reasonable decision-making."
05/11/2023Florida's Republicans starting to embrace realities of climate change, survey shows
WMNF Reporter Chris Young speaks with Dr. Colin Polsky, Director of the Center for Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic University regarding a new survey by FAU showing that nearly half of Republican Floridians now believe humans have largely caused climate change.
05/11/2023Florida's Republicans starting to embrace realities of climate change, survey shows
"There's just no more debating about theoretical differences and causes, or if it's even here. There's really a very solid consensus now that a) climate change is happening in Florida, or amongst Floridians, and b) that it is largely human-caused" - Colin Polsky, CES Director
12/30/2022The United States and the challenges of climate change in 2022
CES' Colin Polsky provides a review of 2022 global climate change impacts.
09/28/2022Florida's West Coast lacks experience with hurricanes
CES' Colin Polsky discusses that while Florida has some of the best building codes, for buildings built after hurricane Andrew, people on Florida's West Coast don't have much recent experience with hurricanes.
09/20/2022How is climate change affecting hurricane patterns?
In this interview conducted by Alhurra, a United States-based public Arabic-language satellite TV channel that broadcasts news and current affairs programming to audiences in the Middle East and North Africa, Dr. Colin Polsky explains how climate change is affecting hurricane patterns, and what might be accomplished at the United Nations annual meeting this week.
08/25/2022Sea level rising more rapidly than previously predicted
"As you go west from the ridge along the railroad and I-95 you lose elevation towards the Everglades and so yes the western parts of our counties, Broward and Miami Dade, they should experience some serious effects as well," said Dr. Colin Polsky, Director of the Center for Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic University.
08/08/2022US administration's initiative on climate and health may impact the midterm elections
In this interview conducted by Alhurra, a United States-based public Arabic-language satellite TV channel that broadcasts news and current affairs programming to audiences in the Middle East and North Africa, Dr. Colin Polsky explains how the US administration's initiative on climate and health may impact the midterm elections.
04/08/2022Study: Young Republicans leading the way when it comes to Florida's shifting views on climate change
Young Republicans are the top driving force in the Sunshine State when it comes to shifting beliefs in climate change, according to a study conducted by Colin Polsky of Florida Atlantic University.
11/01/2021AE Birders Find New Habitat to Explore in FAU Jupiter Arboretum
There is a beautiful Arboretum hidden in full sight, waiting to be found on the western end of the FAU Jupiter Campus.
10/13/2021FAU's New Science Documentary Podcast on Coastal Resilience Research in South Florida: Home and High Water
From a flooded neighborhood street in urban South Florida to Georgia's salt marshes, FAU's Center for Environmental Studies (CES) new podcast dives into research that explores how people adapt in a changing climate.
12/16/2021A new survey shows support for climate change education in Florida
A new survey from Florida Atlantic University shows a high degree of support for climate change education in the state's public schools.
12/16/2021Most Florida conservatives want government to address climate change and some state lawmakers are taking the lead
Belief in climate change among Florida conservatives is at an all-time high, according to polling research by Florida Atlantic University. Roughly 9 out of 10 (88%) of Republicans surveyed acknowledge the changing climate. That figure is no small number.
12/09/2021Belief in climate change is growing among Florida Republicans, an FAU survey shows
Climate change has become a major issue on both sides of the political spectrum in Florida, according to an ongoing survey by Florida Atlantic University.
12/09/2021As state combats sea level rise, new survey shows belief in climate change up in Florida
Dr. Colin Polsky had a hunch, and a new survey by his Center for Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic University seems to prove it -- climate change is becoming a bipartisan issue in Florida.
12/03/2021FAU Survey: Climate Change is an increasingly bipartisan issue in Florida
Belief in climate change among Florida Republicans has climbed to nearly 9 out of 10 adults, apparently trending upwards, according to a new analysis of five sequenced surveys since 2019 conducted by researchers at Florida Atlantic University.
12/06/2021FAU Researchers Say Florida's Republican and Democrat Voters Nearly Agree on Climate Change
CES' Dr. Colin Polsky discusses that Floridians' shifting attitudes toward climate change was a result of the President Donald J. Trump administration and then the COVID pandemic.
07/01/2021Winds of Change
CES' Dr. Colin Polsky was featured in Boca Magazine’s Winds of Change article to discuss the challenges that South Florida faces on the front lines of the global climate crisis. View PDF.
05/14/2021Florida spending millions to adapt to potentially catastrophic sea level rise
CES' Dr. Polsky warns that experts are bracing for large-scale sea-level rise in the next few decades.
05/14/2021Sounding the alarm on climate change impacting our area
CES' Dr. Colin Polsky explains the local impacts of sea-level rise and King Tides.
06/26/2020FAU poll finds climate change still is important topic for Floridians in era of coronavirus
"Almost overnight, the coronavirus dramatically transformed American life, but it's encouraging to see that climate change remained a hot button issue for Floridians despite the public health crisis that shifted everyone's priorities," said Colin Polsky, Ph.D., director of the FAU Center for Environmental Studies, and lead author of the study.
06/25/2020Poll Finds Climate Change Still An Important Issue For Floridians Amid COVID-19
Study finds that 55% of Floridians (46% of those living in North Florida) say.....that humans are causing climate change, despite widespread scientific consensus that human activity is the cause.
02/29/2020FAU Poll Shows Florida Democrats, Republicans And Independents Concerned About Impact Of Climate Change On Future Generations
"These trends in climate change approval ratings suggest that Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis' support of environmental issues since taking office in January 2019, which many view as a break from the national GOP, may be paying political dividends already," Polsky said.View PDF.
02/27/2020FAU poll shows Florida Democrats, Republicans and Independents are concerned about the effects of climate change on future generations
"With a strong majority of Floridians [70 percent] saying climate change has them concerned about the well-being of future generations in the state [up slightly from 68 percent in the first FAU Florida Climate Resilience poll in October 2019], it makes sense that Floridians support policies to tackle the issue," said Colin Polsky, Ph.D., director of the FAU Center for Environmental Studies, and lead author of the study.View PDF.
01/21/2020Editorial: Florida provides perfect backdrop for GOP to offer serious climate action
According to a statewide survey released by Florida Atlantic University last fall, more than two-thirds of Floridians say that climate change has them concerned about the well-being of future generations in Florida and do not feel government is doing enough to address the impacts.View PDF.
02/11/2020The Energy 202: Florida Republicans have added the words 'climate change' to their vocabularies -- and to legislation
Of 1,045 Floridians surveyed by Florida Atlantic University in October, 56 percent agreed climate change is real and caused by people, including 44 percent of Republicans and 70 percent of Democrats.View PDF.
11/01/2019Floridians no longer have luxury to pretend climate change isn't real | Fred Grimm
FAU reported that 68 percent of Floridians worry that global warming threatened "the well-being of future generations in Florida."View PDF.
11/01/2019Two-Thirds of Floridians Concerned About Climate Change According to FAU
"In my experience in southeast Florida for the past five years, the private sector leaders are, regardless of party affiliation, not only actively concerned about challenges linked with our changing climate, but also committed to meaningful actions," Polsky said.View PDF.
10/28/2019Majority of Floridians call climate change a threat, FAU poll says
The partisan divide is less pronounced in a state already grappling with rising seas and stronger storms.View PDF.
10/29/2019Two-thirds of Floridians Concerned About Climate Change and Feel Government Isn't Doing Enough to Address Impacts
The first-ever Florida Climate Resilience Survey conducted by the Florida Atlantic University Center for Environmental Studies (CES) in FAU's Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, and the Business and Economics Polling Initiative (BEPI) in FAU's College of Business.View PDF.
10/28/2019Majority of Floridians recognize climate change as a threat, FAU poll says
While a Republican-Democrat split about climate change exists in Florida, it's not as pronounced as in the rest of the nation. "Nationally we tend to expect and see Republicans score much, much lower on that question than independents or Democrats," said Colin Polsky, director of the FAU Center for Environmental Studies, who led the effort. "The results from the Florida survey show much less difference."View PDF.
10/28/2019Two-thirds of Floridians are concerned about climate change and feel governments aren't doing enough to address the effects
"Since the early 1990s, the climate change question at the national level has become increasingly polarized along party lines," said Colin Polsky, Ph.D., director of the FAU Center for Environmental Studies and lead author of the study. "Yet in recent years a growing number of states and cities have taken meaningful actions to recognize, study, and address climate change. These actions are largely consolidated in blue-leaning states, unlike Florida, and the national-level discourse remains polarized along partisan lines." View PDF.
10/28/2018The Sunshine Economy: King Tides And High Water
WLRN visited five South Floridians living with king tides. Listen to the story and follow their path on an interactive map. View PDF.
10/08/2018During Peak King Tide Season, FAU Researchers Talk About Sea-Level Rise Resiliency
From CES' event on Oct. 8, "Transforming a wetter Florida into a better Florida: Sea-level rise resilience collaborations" project showcase, co-hosted by FAU, Congressman Ted Deutch Florida Sea Grant Citizens Climate Lobby and American Flood Coalition. View PDF.
08/27/2018As king tide season arrives, more South Florida cities brace for sea-level rise
CES' Colin Polsky praises local government response to sea level rise.View PDF.
08/23/2018Sea-level rise: How South Florida can cope with its 'wicked problem' | Opinion
Tom O'Hara interviews CES' Colin Polsky for "The Invading Sea," a series of editorials, columns and reports to raise awareness about sea-level rise.View PDF.
06/13/2018To protect where we live, we need to love where we live | Opinion
In this opinion piece, Colin Polsky, Director of CES, describes the four things that we can do here in Florida to become more resilient.View PDF.
05/18/2018GOP congressman posits theory about sea level rise
GOP congressman posits theory that it's rocks and soil, not ice melt causing sea level rise. CES' Colin Polsky said that, "the burden of proof is on the Congressman to persuade us that his idea is superior to the explanation already provided and scientifically vetted by NASA and NOAA." View PDF.
01/09/2018Elevate the climate change discourse without blaming and shaming | Opinion
Dr. Colin Polsky, CES, suggests that we can break the logjam on climate change discourse by understanding three important science concepts.View PDF.
01/08/2018Losses from 2017 weather disasters hit record $306B; death toll at 362
Colin Polsky, director of CES, said the annual temperature reports shouldn't be disregarded, especially by Floridians. "More warmth means more ice melting, which means higher ocean levels," Polsky said. "That's a problem for a very low-lying and flat state." View PDF.
10/12/2017Climate change skeptics rely on straw-man arguments | Guest column
Dr. Colin Polsky, CES, and Dr. Ben Kirtman, RSMAS, advance the dialogue by respectfully challenging some common misleading arguments made by climate skeptics in this Guest Column. View PDF.
10/17/2016Congressman tours flooded roads, says something needs to be done
Joining the congressman were residents, local business leaders and climate change experts from Florida Atlantic University. King tide raises water levels in South Florida. "We've got evidence that is persuasive," FAU professor of geosciences Dr. Colin Polsky told Local 10 News. View PDF.
04/29/2016Sea Level Rise Summit Coincides With Current Florida Flood Risk
"While Florida and Alaska are on the opposite ends of the continent, they share mutual concerns of the imminent challenges presented by environmental changes," said Colin Polsky, Ph.D., director of the Florida Center for Environmental Studies at FAU. "The rapid melting of Arctic ice is threatening coastal locations globally, and impacts include increased flooding from sea-level rise in Florida to infrastructure instability from permafrost melting in Alaska."View PDF.
02/28/2016Study: Humans causing fastest rate of sea level rise in 3,000 years
Colin Polsky, director of Florida Atlantic University's Center for Environmental Studies, said the historical study of sea level rise released this week is critical because it provides a comprehensive look globally rather than spotty individual stories from singular sites. "It's very provocative," Polsky said. "It's hugely important for all of coastal North America." View PDF.
04/29/2016Rising Sea Levels Could Threaten Summit On Rising Sea Levels
"South Florida is one of the world's most vulnerable areas to climate change, especially sea-level rise," said Colin Polsky, Ph.D., director of the Florida Center for Environmental Studies at FAU. "In Florida, potential adaptation to sea-level rise is complicated by the porous limestone geology of the region, permitting salt water intrusion into important aquifers. The low level terrain in many areas makes even a relatively small sea-level rise problematic." View PDF.
05/09/2016S. Florida Republicans lead their party from climate change denial
"It's a big problem," said Colin Polsky, who organized the Fort Lauderdale conference as head of FAU's environmental studies center. "It puts us in another category of risk compared to New Orleans or the Netherlands or London or New York. They have their sea-level-rise challenges, but here we have porous limestone that is permitting the water to come in from below as well as over the top, so it's a double whammy."View PDF.
04/22/2015Obama's Florida Visit Takes Climate Change Fight to the Front Lines on Earth Day
"But even a landmark carbon emissions agreement won’t be enough to stop sea levels around Florida from rising in the short term, Polsky said."View PDF.
09/24/2014Florida Goes Down the Drain: The Politics of Climate Change
View PDF.
07/27/2014To The Point with Michael Williams
Interview with Dr. Leonard Berry on the subject of sea level rise in south Florida.
06/08/2014GOP leaders in Fla. dismiss risks to state of rising sea levels
View PDF.
05/21/2014How South Florida Is Ignoring The State's Leading Politicians And Taking On Climate Change
View PDF.
05/17/2014Climate change is upon us and we must act
View PDF.
05/11/2014New Climate Report Details Harms to the Southeast US
View PDF.
05/09/2014May As the World Warms, Part of the American Southeast Cools
View PDF.
05/06/2014Florida increasingly weakened by the rising sea level
View PDF.
05/07/2014Miami is one of USA's top hot spots for climate change
View PDF.
05/07/2014Miami Finds Itself Ankle-Deep in Climate Change Debate
View PDF.
03/27/2014Rising Seas
View PDF.
03/11/2014Leaving a Livable World for the Next Generation
View PDF.
03/12/2014Elevation Zero: Fort Lauderdale And Sea Level Rise
Listen to audio.
03/05/2014Researchers aim to resolve inequity in Miami's flood preparation
View PDF.
12/18/2013Rising sea levels torment Norfolk, Va., and coastal U.S.
View PDF.
09/13/2013Ciudades bajo el agua ("Cites under water")
View video.
09/13/2013Ciudades en riesgo de quedar bajo el agua ("Cities at risk of being under water")
View video.
10/01/2013Rising Seas Series
View PDF.
10/30/2013Rising Water: New signs of rising sea levels cause concern
View PDF.
11/09/2013Rising sea levels, falling real estate values
View PDF.
11/12/2013Lawmakers should consider impact of Florida's changing coastline
View PDF.
11/14/2013Outdated Miami Canals Too Weak For Sea-Level Rise
View PDF.
12/4/2013What Sea Level Rise Looks Like When Today's Kids Grow Up
View PDF.
03/01/2013Why you should Sweat Climate Change
View PDF.
02/04/2013Coastal damage from rising sea levels
11/24/13Helping with student's research
View PDF.
10/29/2013A Year After Sandy, Living Dangerously By The Sea
View PDF.
07/11/2013Climate change preparation must start now in Florida
View PDF.
07/08/2013Special Report: Sea Level Rise And Florida
"Sea level rise has to be built into the way you think when planning," says Leonard Berry, director of the Florida Center for Environmental Studies at Florida Atlantic University. View PDF.
06/26/2013As Sea Levels Rise, Is Miami Doomed?
With a population of more than 5.5 million living at an elevation of just 6 feet above sea level, Miami will be one of the nation's first major metropolitan areas to feel the impacts of climate change.View PDF.
03/11/2013Deep trouble: How sea-rise could cause havoc in South Florida
Sea-rise could cause havoc in South Florida.View PDF.
02/05/2013Why you should sweat climate change
Human activities are affecting the Earth's climate and warming the atmosphere and oceans in ways that cannot be explained just by nature.View PDF.
02/05/2013Getting away from the coast reveals the magic of the night sky
Getting away from the coast reveals the magic of the night sky
02/04/2013Coastal damage from rising sea levels and storm surge during storms will cost millions to repair
Coastal damage from rising sea levels and storm surge during storms will cost millions to repair.
12/16/2012Future Florida: Sea level rise could flood parts of island
Future Florida sea level rise could flood parts of island. View PDF.

 Last Modified 10/26/23