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Walter and Lalita Janke Innovations in Sustainability Science Research Fund

Towards a Center for Resilient Microgrids and Bio-engineered Structures for Coastal Protection and Sustainability

  • PI: Oscar Curet, Ph.D.
  • Department: Ocean and Mechanical Engineering
  • Award: $50,000

Project Summary: The objective of this proposal is to establish the first step toward the creation of a Center that focuses in a new generation of Microgrids integrating solar, wind and ocean energy and coastal resiliency. This Center aspires to develop a role model of energy infrastructure for hurricane prone regions. Such aggressive expansion is driven by current pressing issues facing coastal regions (e.g. Florida, Puerto Rico and Texas) and the need for training a STEM workforce on Renewable Energy, while enabling a new green economy in the region. In specific, this proposal seeks to advance the integration of ocean-tidal energy and coastal resiliency into a microgrid.

The key driving questions for the research effort are: (a) How are spectrum of scales (e.g., spatiotemporal) ranging from nano-scales to meso-scales integrated such that intermittent energy resources are mitigated and integrated into renewable energy sources (microgrid system) operating as a single unit and as part of a network?, (b) How can Big Data tools be employed from the input of intermittent natural resources and network of microgrids to develop a resilient and predictive power distribution models? The specific objectives of the proposed work are: 1) support one Ph.D. student to study mangrove-like structures for energy harvesting and coastal protection; 2) support and enhance the Research Experience for Undergraduates and Teachers at Florida Atlantic University (FAU); 3) Enhance the collaboration between FAU, Universidad del Turabo and Purdue University and submit an external research proposal for the continuation of this work. It is expected that the proposed work will result in: two journal papers, one conference proceeding, two oral presentations at prominent national conferences and at least the submission of a proposal for external funding. These results and the support of the proposed work will strengthen the creation of a Center for Resilient Microgrids and Bio-engineered Structures for Coastal Protection and Sustainability.

 Last Modified 4/3/23