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Coastal Resilience Research Lab

Coastal FloodingThe Florida Atlantic University Center for Environmental Studies (CES) Coastal Resilience Research Lab examines human-environment interactions in the context of changing climates. The primary research focus is on how people perceive, create, and respond to the effects of sea-level rise and other climate challenges. Community engagement topics include green infrastructure efforts for flood risk reduction, lawn care, harmful algal blooms, neighborhood resilience mapping, and climate public opinion polls. The study areas for our recent projects have included Southeast Florida (Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties), the Gulf of Mexico, and select urban and regional locations along the U.S. eastern seaboard.

The CES Coastal Resilience Research Lab acts primarily as a funding umbrella and topical support structure for FAU graduate students working on thesis projects relevant to these subjects. The lab also provides a variety of ongoing educational and outreach support to the local community through specific projects and partner collaborations, such as with the Broward Youth Climate Summit, various business and civil society groups, local governments, and the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact. In this way, we here in the lab consider ourselves and CES to be a climate change collaboratory working with diverse partners and projects to define and advance coastal resilience.

 Last Modified 4/3/23